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(a) Faculty of Dakwah, Unisba, Bandung, Indonesia; (b) Departement of General Education, UPI, Bandung, Indonesia
The long-term goal of this dedication activity is the wider dissemination of the fast reading method of the Bilhikmah Al-Quran. Why Bilhikmah? This method takes the advantages of the Baghdadi method in introducing the structure of hijaiyah letters and the superiority of the Shautiyah method in teaching hijaiyah that are pronounced without spelling it. We equip the Bilhikmah Method with four textbooks that are thinner than the other method textbooks. Theoretically, the superiority of a teaching method is measured by two main criteria, namely effective and efficient. In terms of effectiveness, a teaching method must deliver as many students as possible can read the Quran; In terms of efficiency, the teaching method must deliver them to read the Quran in a shorter time. Quasi-experimental results, the Bilhikmah method proved effective and efficient. Effective because by applying this method thousands of students have been able to read the Qur-an; and in terms of efficiency, by using this method they could read the Qur-an in a shorter time compared to other Qur-an reading methods. This service/training activity aims to provide the Bilhikmah method to prospective Islamic religious tutors at the UPI Al-Furqan Mosque and mosques around the campus. Specific targets to be achieved with this training, at least 70% of 80 prospective tutors, can teach reading the Qur-an with the fast method of Bilhikmah. The training uses a variety of methods, namely presentations, questions and answers, demonstrations, practices, a small group guidance, and individual guidance. The results of the training almost all the participants mastered the fast method of reading Al-Quran Bilhikmah. During the activity, participants took seriously to pay attention to the advantages of this method. They also seriously practiced in small groups on how to teach the Bilhikmah method. They then recruited almost all the training participants to become religious tutors at UPI Al-Furqan Mosque, one task of which was to teach reading the Qur-an to the tutorial participants
Fast_read_the_Quran; method_Bilhikmah; the_Islamic_tutor_candidate
Communication of Islamic Broadcasting
Corresponding Author
Rodliyah Khuzai
Universitas Islam Bandung
Abstrack-Mohammad Natsir is a figure, thinker, and reformer to initiated the concept of DakwahHarakah. Harakah preaching thought has the aim to prosper the people and realitation Islam “Rahmatan Lil Alamin”. This study aims to determine the concept of dakwahIslam Muhammad Natsir, his thoughts about the proselytizing of dakwah and its application in Indonesia. This research method uses descriptive qualitative analysis, topic selection, heuristics (data collection), verification (source criticism), interpretations and research approaches to character studies as well as historiography. This study found the results that the concept of dakwah Islam Mohammad Natsir was created with Bi Lisani al-Amal. Harakah Thought there are 3 preaching: Din (religion), daulah (state), and dunya (wolrd).
Harakah Dakwah, Dakwah Paradigm
Communication of Islamic Broadcasting
Corresponding Author
Rodliyah Khuzai
Universitas Islam Bandung
Abstract, Ismail Raji al-Faruqi is well known as a pioneer of the Islamization of Knowledge with ideas that are brilliant enough to make the religious sciences and modern sciences integrated. This is done to overcome the stagnation of Muslims in various problems. The article with the title "The Thought of Ismail Rajis al-Faruqi and its influence on Western Civilization and Islam" aims to explore the extent The Thought of Ismails Raji al-Faruqis and the influence on Western and Islamic civilizations. This scientific work is a Literature Study using descriptive-analytic-critical method with the theory of Phenomenology and History. The results of this research are: First, the birth of religious studies in the West as an interfaith dialogue; Second, the birth of integrative Islamic studies according to the demands of the times in the fields of education, economics and art; Affirmation of the meaning of Tawhid which is the essence of Islamic civilization.
Tawhid, Dialogue, Religious Studies, Integrative
Communication of Islamic Broadcasting
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